Tufina Watches Review

Table of Contents A Quick History Tufina’s history has many twists, turns, and countries, beginning in Albania in 1828, with a Tufina family member designing the clock mechanism for the Tirana Clock Tower. By the late 1800s and early 1900s, the Tufina family had expanded their brand to Italy, Austria, and across Southern Europe. Like so many, the Tufina family …

Why Are Watches So Expensive?

We go through the reasons why some watches are still expensive, even in an age where smartphone can tell you the time -sometimes more accurately than a watch.

Can a Watch Battery Leak?

An article explaining how to prevent and manage watch battery leaks; as well as the dangers of battery watches leaking.

Can a Watch Demagnetize Itself?

Anything that becomes magnetised can slowly become demagnetised without intervention. However, a watch could remain magnetised for months or years, keeping it from functioning properly. Fortunately, demagnetising a watch is often a simple process. A degausser machine is used to decrease or eliminate the magnetic field in an object, such as a mechanical watch or analogue watch. These machines are …

Can Watches Be Recycled?

In short, watches can be recycled but this is highly dependent on the type of the watch. Certain parts like the gears are particularly recyclable if in good working order. Maybe you’ve worn a watch for decades, but it’s finally ticked its last tick. Maybe you got a watch as a present and while you appreciate the sentiment, it’s not something …

Watches That Count Steps: A Complete Guide

Maybe you’re a fitness-obsessed individual who likes to push their body every second of every day, even when they’re simply walking from one place to another. Maybe you’re a Type-A person who’s highly competitive and needs to keep up with the steps per day count set by the rest of your friends or fitness group. Maybe you’re simply someone who …